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Art - Pictures

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NPL Home  /  Online Resources  /  Web Guides  /  Art  /  Image Collections


Image Collections - Art


American Museum of Natural History Digital Special Collections


Archival photographic images, art and memorabilia images, and Rare Book Collection illustrations from the Museum's Research Library.


Art Images for College Teaching


Subject areas include ancient, non-western, medieval, Renaissance, and 18th-20th century art.


ARTCYCLOPEDIA: The Guide to Museum-Quality Art on the Internet


Huge number of links to works of "museum quality" artists at museum sites, image archives, and other online resources. The focus is on fine art painting and sculpture, but some other forms such as photography, decorative arts, and architecture are sometimes included. Search by artist's name.


Barewalls Online Poster Store


Buy art posters, pictures, and prints. Search for posters by subject, artist's name, title, style, or medium.


Bridgeman Art Library Image Search


"An outstanding archive of images drawn from collections throughout the world." Note that images are copyright protected.


The British Library


"The British Library’s collections on Flickr Commons offer access to millions of public domain images, which we encourage you to explore and re-use."


The British Museum Collection Online


Search the museum's database of almost 2 million records, about half of them with images.


Copyright and Fair Use Guidelines for Images (from MICDS McCulloch Library)


Links to sites for copyright-friendly images, image generators, image enhancers, and information on how to cite images from the Internet. 


Digital Imaging Project 


Art historical images of European and North American architecture and sculpture from Classical Greek to Post-Modern. More than 10,000 pictures of architecture from around the world are organized by country. 


Flickr: Creative Commons


"Many Flickr users have chosen to offer their work under a Creative Commons license, and you can browse or search through content under each type of license."


Free Digital Photos


Search these images by keyword or category.  All of the photos are free.  Larger sizes of the images are available for purchase.  The advanced search offers filtering by photo or illustrations;  orientation (portrait, landscape or square), images including people or without people, etc.


Free Images


Over 350,000 photographs to use without a fee.


Smithsonian Libraries Image Gallery


Images from across the Smithsonian Libraries. Browse by topic or by collection. Please note that reproduction fees apply. For information on fees, see https://library.si.edu/image-gallery/faq.


Getty Open Content Images


87,000 + images from the Getty--paintings, manuscripts, drawings, and photographs.  Getty also offers a free app for iPhones: get it at the iTunes store.


Google Art Project


"Explore museums from around the world, discover and view hundreds of artworks at incredible zoom levels, and even create and share your own collection of masterpieces."


Guggenheim Museum


Guggenheim Museum releases over 200 modern art books online for free. Press release




Browse 191 professional joconde stock photos, images & pictures available royalty-free.


LIFE Photo Archives


Search millions of historic images from LIFE magazine--people, places, events from the 1750s to the present.


Los Angeles County Museum of Art Image Library


Search the entire collection or only public domain images from this museum--the largest in the Western U.S.


Luna Commons


Collections of images on a variety of subjects. Particularly noteworthy are the collections of NASA images. Usage restrictions are listed on each artwork's page. 


Metropolitan Museum of Art - The Collection


400,000 images available for free download for non-commercial use.  


Museum of New Zealand


Over 60,000 high resolution images from the museum, downloadable for free.


NARA (National Archives and Records Administration)


A library of photographic images, many in the public domain, of people and events in American history.


NASA Images


Photos of astronauts, space shuttles, the moon landing, and more, most in the public domain.


National Gallery Picture Library (London)


Search by subjects, themes, artists, styles or timeline. "As part of its on-going commitment to support scholarship and encourage research into the nation’s collection of Old Master paintings, the National Gallery, London is pleased to be able to waive image reproduction charges for scholarly publications including academic books and journals, student theses and academic presentations or lectures."


National Gallery of Art--NGA Images


Search, browse, share, and download over 53,000 open access images from the collections of the National Gallery.


The New York Public Library's Digital Collections


"This site is a living database with new materials added every day, featuring prints, photographs, maps, manuscripts, streaming video, and more." Over 300,000 items are in the public domain and are therefore free to share and reuse.


New Old Stock


"Vintage photos from the public archives.  Free of known copyright restrictions.  Recapturing history."


The New York Public Library Digital Collection


Digitized images from books, magazines and newspapers as well as original photographs, prints and postcards.


NOAA Photo Library


"Weather Wonders," "Meteorological Monsters," "NOAA'S Ark," and more--stunning images from nature.


Paris Museums Collection


Paris Museums put 100,000 images online for unrestricted public use.




Free high resolution photos for use without restriction.




Over 320,000 high quality free photos and art illustrations. Search by keyword or category. "You can use any Pixabay image without attribution in digital and printed form, even for commercial applications."




Includes thousands of posters and prints to view or buy.


Public Art Archive


"...a sophisticated searchable database of public art in the United States. The Archive makes public art and its processes more accessible to the public, displaying images of each piece alongside an extensive description, including audio and video supplementary files when available."


United States Department of Agriculture


Photographs of animals, crops, food, insects, plants, etc. that are copyright-free, public domain images, unless otherwise indicated.




Thousands of beautiful high resolution photographs.  Use for free, no restrictions.


The Walters Art Museum


Download high quality digital images of art from around the world and throughout the centuries.


Victoria and Albert Museum


Search 293,000 images of objects from the world's leading museum of art and design.


Web Gallery of Art


"The Web Gallery of Art is a virtual museum and searchable database of European painting and sculpture of the Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque, Neoclassicism and Romanticism periods."


Wellcome Collection


100,000 medical and art images from the Wellcome Library in London. 


World Digital Library


"The World Digital Library (WDL) makes available on the Internet, free of charge and in multilingual format, significant primary materials from countries and cultures around the world."


VADS (Visual Arts Data Service)


"...over 100,000 images that are freely available and copyright cleared for use in teaching, learning and research." Includes images of decorative arts, buildings, fashion, and more.


Web Museum, Paris


Virtual museum of images and information concentrating on Western European and American art.




"The project aims to create high-quality, most complete and well-structured online repository of fine art."


Yale University Art Gallery


Search over 200,000 objects representing Eastern and Western cultures ranging in date from ancient times to the present day. 



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