Literature - Writing

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Writing - Literature 


Bartleby Usage

Electronic reference sources for English grammar and usage that include Elements of Style (Strunk) and The King's English.


The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation 

Basic rules of grammar and punctuation. Includes examples of correct and incorrect usage, practice exercises, and a test for each section.



Citing sources courtesy of Glendale Community College Libraries. Chicago, APA, and MLA formats.


The Elements of Style 

An electronic version of the classic 1918 text by William Strunk, Jr. This text includes the most essential rules of English usage and the basic principles of composition with examples to guide the perplexed writer.


Homework Helper: Writing Skills 

A guide to writing better essays, research papers, biographies, and book reports.

" lets you publish and sell print-on-demand books and e-books, online music and images, custom calendars and books."


National Endowment of the Arts: Grants

Information about grant opportunities from the National Endowment of the Arts.


The Next Big Writer

"TheNextBigWriter is a dynamic, supportive private community where writers post their work to receive feedback from other writers and readers. In addition, writers can share ideas and network with one another, start building a fan-base of readers, and receive recognition and rewards - including cash prizes and publishing contracts...Members on the site run the spectrum from beginners to published writers and come from all parts of the world."


Online English Grammar

Use this site for guidance in the proper use of the parts of speech. Includes helpful examples of each grammar point.


Online Writing Lab

Practice exercises for grammar, punctuation, spelling, sentence structure and style, and ESL.


Poets and Writers

Resources for creative writers include advice, contests, grants, literary links, magazines, university writing programs, workshops, etc.


Purdue OWL: Avoiding Plagiarism


Tips and Tools
From the Writing Center, University of North Caroline at Chapel Hill.


Virtual Salt--A Handbook of Rhetorical Devices

"This book contains definitions and examples of more than sixty traditional rhetorical devices, (including rhetorical tropes and rhetorical figures) all of which can still be useful today to improve the effectiveness, clarity, and enjoyment of your writing."


The Writer Magazine

Forums, writing resources, and market listings.


The Writer's Chronicle

Literary links, career advice, contest information, and more.


Writer's Digest

Writing tips, articles, links, and publishing advice.


Writing Argumentative Essays

A brief online course "which aims to teach students how to write short argumentative essays of approximately 1000 words." Additional resources can be found at:


Writing Center Handouts

A variety of information about how to write a paper as well as writing process demos.



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