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Music - For Sale

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Music for Sale  - Music




An online source for independent musicians...and the distributor here regularly and generously pays the musicians.


Hal Leonard Online


Songbooks and sheetmusic for popular songs.


J. W. Pepper Sheet Music


Calling itself "the world's largest sheet music retailer," this company offers multicultural, band, choir, church, orchestral, popular, and solo instrumental and vocal music.


Popsike - Viny Records Price Guide


This site reports what people are paying for records in auction houses and websites like ebay. Although the price may not reflect the value of the record it shows what prices people are paying for it.


Sheet Music Online


A large online store of sheet music for voice and instruments, with separate sections for collections of Broadway tunes, contemporary Christian music, rock standards, wedding songs, etc.


Sheet Music Plus


Artist, song, album, composer, and instrument indexing to music in print; most album entries indicate song titles on their tracks. 



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