Resources for Inventors - Patents
USPTO: Inventor Resources
The first stop for inventors and other laypersons interested in patents, trademarks, and copyright. Scroll down to see opportunities for free assistance.
Inventor's Handbook
An online handbook for independent inventors, especially those looking to patent and sell (or license) their invention.
National Inventor Fraud Center
Portal to online resources for every step of the invention process: from development, to obtaining a patent, to licensing or manufacturing your product.
Invent Now: National Inventors Hall of Fame
Find out who's in the Inventors Hall of Fame by clicking "Inductees" or check the Learning Resources for invention activities appropriate for young inventors.
National Academy of Inventors
NAI is committed to the promotion and recognition of academic invention. They are also focused on providing resources to connect Academy Members to our global network.
United Inventors Association
The national umbrella organization for local inventors organizations across the country. Subscribe to their email list for legislative and other updates, browse the website for free information, or learn about commercial products and services for inventors.
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