
Seniors - General

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General - Seniors


Center for Retirement Research


A wealth of information about Social Security, health, savings, pensions, and retirement.


Getting Answers


From the NJ Dept. of Human Services Division on Aging: information about long term care, resources for people with disabilities, hospitals, state health insurance offices, county adult protection services, tax information, toll-free numbers, and much more.




"Helping seniors improve with age." Articles, links, tips, and news.


Grand Times Seniors' Site 


An online magazine with articles about topics such as grandparenting, cooking, finance, health, law, relationships, and travel. 


Institute of Gerontology 


Sponsored by the Institute of Gerontology at Wayne State University, this site covers subjects like grants, grief/dying, daycare, housing, lifestyles, insurance, mental health, recreation, religion, statistics, and women’s issues.




Advocacy and education organization for aging Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders.


National Association of Area Agencies on Aging


Helps seniors find health resources across the fifty states.


National Association for Hispanic Elderly/Asociación Nacional Pro Personas Mayores


"The scope of the Association’s work includes employment programs, services for the elderly, economic development projects which include low-income housing and neighborhood development programs, research and data collection, training and technical assistance, development of model projects, and award winning media productions."


National Caucus & Center on Black Aging


"Dedicated to preserving the dignity and enhancing the lives of low income elderly African Americans.  As one of the largest minority focused organizations in the United States, NCBA addresses the needs of its constituency in the areas of health, affordable housing and employment."


New Jersey Division of Aging and Community Services


Home page for state services and programs, with links to a variety of services such as pharmaceutical and hearing aid assistance and help with coordinating medical benefits.


NJ Division of Taxation


Property Tax Reimbursement (Senior Freeze) Program. Eligibility requirements, including income limits, and benefits available under this program are subject to change by the State Budget.


Senior News


A website designed for the purpose of sharing "articles about aging and health."


Senior Services, State of New Jersey


Directory, including toll-free numbers; health, housing, legal/safety, benefits/assistance information.


Social Security Administration


Search the SSA for questions about your social security card, medicare enrollment, online services, concerns about fraud, any services related to your social security and benefits, and more.


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